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What is Honors Symposium?

Honors Symposium is one of the longest-standing traditions in the Burnett Honors College. This one-credit hour required course is intended to introduce new students to the University through an integrative curriculum that highlights the Burnett Honors College's theme of cultivating talent and inspiring excellence, as well as emphasizing personal and professional development.

Each week, the course will have guest lecturers from campus and in the community who share their professional journeys and the values that have contributed to their accomplishments, speaking on topics such as ethics, creativity, empathy and risk-taking. Students also participate in a variety of co-curricular activities throughout the semester, including attending various UCF and Honors events and workshops throughout the semester.

Under the direction of a Symposium Team Leader, students have the opportunity to discuss their thoughts and observations collaboratively with their group. This group setting helps to further provide incoming Honors freshmen with a sense of community within a larger University, offering them the chance to communicate effectively and build social networks.

Goals of Honors Symposium

Working to enhance the quality and breadth of the undergraduate education for our Honors students, the Honors Symposium course strives to achieve the following goals and learning outcomes:

Foster a sense of identity and community within the Burnett Honors College and UCF

Expose students to various campus resources and opportunities that will enhance their educational experience, including undergraduate research, study abroad, and internship opportunities

Make campus connections through student groups and university resources, and with faculty members

Help students make a successful transition to university life

Develop students’ ability to critically evaluate and communicate information

Develop professional skills
and values

Team Leaders

Team Leaders are a point of contact for our first-year BHC Scholars during their first semester in college, and can offer advice on fields of study, how to balance academics with co-curricular experiences, and how to plan for future semesters.

The principle behind the Team Leader program is simple: to provide an example of an involved, successful student.  Each Team Leader has her or his own insights and brings to the Honors Symposium course a unique perspective that will help to shape the first-year experience for our Honors students.

Team Leader Program