Meet with an Advisor
The Office of Honors Research is open for in-person services and advising for current and prospective HUT students, although the submission of all program forms and workshops will continue to be virtual. Our amazing staff and peer advisors are available to assist students in ANY HUT stage. Email to request a virtual advising appointment or complete the Request for Contact form. An Honors Research staff member will respond in a timely manner.
Questions? Current and prospective students are invited to fill out the Request for Contact form or email at to request assistance.
Please submit all forms through email or the HUT Resources Webcourse.
Electronic Signatures
Electronic signatures are required for all HUT forms. One of the recommended platforms is DropboxSign (formerly known as HelloSign). Students may create a free account that will allow an unlimited number of signatures for up to three documents per month/ 30 days.
Click here to review the instructions and important steps to collect and assign the order for signature collection.
HUT Resources WebCourse
Most resources for current students can be found in our WebCourse, including instructions & FAQ, forms, events, thesis templates, program handbook, and more! Current students enrolled in the program who may have trouble accessing the WebCourse, email for assistance.
Deadlines Calendar
All HUT Program deadlines are viewable in one easy-to-read page. All HUT students are required to meet the posted deadlines. Any and all exceptions to these deadlines must be pre-approved by the Office of Honors Research Director or Coordinator. Extension requests due to poor planning will not be approved.
Submit your completed, electronically filled and signed forms with the correct order of signers (student, then thesis chair, then HUT Liaison). Obtain signatures through Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign). All forms must be received by before 5:00 PM on the Wednesday of add/drop week. Paperwork received after 5:00 PM on this date will not be accepted for that semester's cohort.
Click here to access the Spring 2025 deadlines calendar. (Updated 1/21/2025)
Click here to access the Summer C and Fall deadlines calendar. (Updated 3/10/2025)
Research & Conference Funding
The Burnett Honors College is proud to fund Honors Scholars’ research activities and conference participation through its partnership with the UCF Office of Undergraduate Research. Learn more and apply at Funding Opportunities and Presentation Opportunities.
HUT Faculty Liaisons
The HUT Liaison is the point of connection between your thesis major/discipline’s college/department/area campus and the Burnett Honors College. The HUT Liaison may answer questions about department-specific HUT requirements and sign your Registration, Proposal Cover Page, & Thesis Approval Forms. Please identify the HUT Liaison for the Department/College in which your thesis discipline is housed. For example, if you are an English major writing a thesis in Psychology, you would request the signature from the Psychology Liaison.
Poster Printing
The Burnett Honors College proudly offers research poster printing at NO COST to Honors students for their first two posters per year. Click here to learn more.
Thesis Proposal Examples
Examples of substantially researched, properly formatted research proposals and their respective signature pages can be found here for reference.
Research Scholarships
Honors Undergraduate Thesis Scholarship
The Burnett Honors College partners with the academic colleges in sponsoring Honors Undergraduate Thesis scholarships.
Founders' Day Award
The Founders' Day Honors Convocation, held annually since 1990, serves as an opportunity for the University of Central Florida to recognize outstanding faculty, staff, and student accomplishments during the preceding year.
Frequently Asked Questions
To request enrollment for Directed Readings I (4903H, 3 credits): After submitting the eligibility form by the posted deadlines, qualified students receive the Admission Agreement and Registration Form. Once you complete these forms, collect all necessary signatures (via HelloSign, Adobe, or another secure electronic signature platform) , and submit them to the Office of Honors Research, the Coordinator of Honors Research will enroll you* in the requested course before or during the first week of classes.
*Exceptions apply to NUR-3165H students, who are enrolled by their academic department.
To request enrollment for Directed Readings II (4904H, 1 or 3 credits, optional): Students who need another semester to complete their thesis proposal can take Directed Readings II for 1 or 3 credits. Ensure this fits in with your graduation plan by contacting an academic advisor in your department/college, and work out a feasible timeline to meet your thesis goals with your thesis chair and committee members.
To request enrollment for Thesis I (4970H, 3 credits): At least 4 weeks before the due date, students will be emailed the Registration Form to prepare and submit along with their thesis proposal and signed cover page. Students who do not complete and submit their thesis proposal will not be permitted to advance to Thesis I.
To request enrollment for Thesis II (4971H, 1 or 3 credits, optional): Students who need another semester to complete their thesis semester requirements have the option to take Thesis II for 1 or 3 credits. Ensure this fits in with your graduation plan by contacting an academic advisor in your department/college, and work out a feasible timeline to meet your thesis goals with your thesis chair and committee members.
The registration form and deadlines calendar can be any time on the Forms page in the HUT webcourse for current researchers. If you cannot find it in your inbox or on the webcourse, reach out to via email to request a copy.
If a student is seeking to have HUT coursework count as electives or fulfill other degree requirements, the student must speak with an academic advisor in their department , School or College. Departments must grant permission for HUT coursework to fulfill other degree requirements.
University Honors Students: Completion of the HUT program will satisfy one upper-division Honors requirement for any major.