If you haven’t met Jenna Wittmann yet, you likely will at some point. As the Coordinator of Administrative Services for the Burnett Honors College, Jenna’s work revolves primarily around human resources, budgeting, accounting, and the like. Along with Dean Marty, she also leads Honors Symposium, the course that all Honors Scholars take during their first semester at UCF. In this role, Jenna supervises the Team Leaders (TLs) and coordinates the Symposium course, answering questions about assignments and grading while ensuring that class runs smoothly.
Regarding Symposium in the upcoming Fall semester, freshmen can look forward to fully in-person interactions with staff and fellow students as they form friendships and develop both professionally and personally. With different speakers each week, students will learn about everything from risk-taking to creativity as they get to know their TLs and other BHC Scholars. As Jenna explains, “I think we have something for everyone. If you don't love the speaker that week, then that's fine because next week’s speaker is going to be totally different.”
When asked her advice for incoming freshmen, Jenna replies, “The thing I would say is to get involved early. Students are more successful at college when they find a place on campus to call their home. Whether that be the Honors College, a club or organization, Volunteer UCF—finding your place on campus will really help with the transition to college.” For tips on how to get involved on campus, Jenna points out that Symposium TLs are a great resource for students. Representing a wide variety of majors and belonging to many different organizations on campus, TLs serve as mentors for students and can help connect them with opportunities to grow both within and outside of their major. Additionally, KnightConnect and the Office of Student Involvement can assist students in finding the places on campus that they can consider their home away from home.
December will mark Jenna’s seventh year with BHC, which certainly comes with its fair share of fond memories. As for her favorite memory of her time at BHC so far, Jenna recalls the time that the two 2020 Team Leader Coordinators showed up at her door with a basket full of gifts and handwritten notes from TLs. With Symposium taking place fully online last year due to Covid, this gesture was a way for the TL Coordinators to show their gratitude while remaining safe. She explains that it’s moments like those which remind her that, though organizing Symposium can be stressful at times, the impact she’s able to have on students makes it all worth it.