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Honors Course Offerings

Click on a term to view which Honors courses are generally offered.

Honors Lower-Division Courses

The Burnett Honors College offers sections of many lower-division courses typically taken to fulfill the requirements of the General Education Program, which every UCF student must complete. This allows students to work their way through the GEP while also completing their Honors lower-division requirements.

Honors Upper-Division Courses

The Burnett Honors College offers Honors sections of many upper-division courses required by a variety of majors each semester. Honors upper-division requirements vary by major. To review upper-division requirements for your specific major, please click here. In consultation with an Honors advisor, these courses may be used to fulfill lower-division course requirements for students entering college with much of their GEP credit already earned.

Note: Honors course offerings are subject to change. Please contact an Honors advisor with any questions or concerns.

Honors Interdisciplinary Seminars

Each semester, the Burnett Honors College offers students the opportunity to select among several interdisciplinary seminars that represent cutting-edge topics taught by UCF's most outstanding faculty. These 3-credit hour classes are often taught simultaneously by two faculty from different disciplines. Students experience the excitement of learning through different modes of thought as well as lively discussion and debate. Interdisciplinary seminars are designed to be available for all majors at the upper-division level. To see current offerings, please consult both this list and the Class Schedule Search tool in myUCF, as additions and corrections to meeting days and times may occur.

Current Seminars

An image of a professor helping a group of students

Previous Seminars

A class playing musical instruments

Registration Information

How To Find Honors Courses Through myUCF

The online Class Schedule is the university's official course listing and is constantly updated in real time as students add and drop classes to their schedules via myUCF. You can find Honors courses within the Class Schedule by selecting "Honors Courses" in Special Course Groups.


Please contact Rex Roberts at with any questions regarding overrides into Honors courses.

How To Register For Courses On myUCF

New Honors students (incoming freshmen and transfer students) register for Honors courses during a UCF orientation session before their first semester of enrollment. Current Honors students have registration appointment times assigned starting the first day of registration. You may register for both Honors and non-Honors courses at any time during or after your appointment time. It's in your best interest to register as soon as possible once your appointment time allows you to via myUCF, since Honors courses fill up quickly.

Before you register, verify your appointment time via myUCF. If it isn’t scheduled during the first few days of registration, immediately contact Rex Roberts, Director of Advising. Also be sure to meet any mandatory advising appointments and/or clear any holds on your account. Check myUCF to see if this applies to you.

Some interdisciplinary seminars are listed under two separate course numbers and prefixes that correspond to the two disciplines associated with the course. For example, Documentary Film Production is listed as both AMH 3930H and FIL 3930H in the Class Schedule, and each one has its own class number. Either one of these class numbers will enroll you in the course, but choose only one when registering and select the course subject most appropriate to your major/minor. Be mindful that we frequently offer seminars from the same subject area, meaning those seminars will have the same subject prefix and catalog number. For example, two different literature seminars may both be listed as LIT 3930H.